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❝a novel.❞

my new dream
Sunday, May 16, 2010, 5:09 PM
I need this camera so badly!!!!!
i love it.
it's the new Olympus SP 800uz. :D
i love photography so much. you should know how much...

i woke up today at about 9pm and got ready to go and play badminton.
then i went to have lunch at my golf country club.
after that, i came home and need a bit of studying.
I didn't shower yet, couldn't be bothered.
now imma go ;)

Saturday, May 15, 2010, 6:29 PM
omg yesterday was the craziest party ever. i loved it. Aleysha's party. It was awesome.
I kinda felt exhausted and dizzy after the blinking lights and i was like, i need to take a rest.
a few of my friends were asked to interview for a magazine, and this woman was like, "you wanna try?" and i was like, "no thanks", "i know you wanna!" "no, no thank you." yeah...
no interviews and no modelling at the moment.

i have been studying alot for my exams...
and i just studied math.
i am going swimming soon, for an hour and then come back to continue my work on malay and math. i have orals next week.
my dad said i could get a macbook pro and a nikon camera. well something like it.
i was like YAY.
i wanna learn the piano someday.
so many things have been going with me lately and i havent been able to blog it cause couldnt be bothered and i had to do loads of school work. :(
i have to get ready now...
so bai. x

I'm coming home.
Monday, April 12, 2010, 6:53 PM

I'm listening to Homcoming by Hey Monday. :D
I freaking love it.
So i had school today.
As usualllll i had drama first and i had to be the lawyer and stuff like that so we can solve a case of this 5 year old girl.
Thennnn for DT we did electronics and we had to build virtual circuits. D:
After that, i had lunch. Lunch was rather boring than usual. :(
I ate the usual food, with my usual awesome friends.
argh me and michelle are so mad right now.
can't tell you why, but it's just that jared has been spilling secrets we don't want to spill.
So pissed, espacially michelle.
Finally, i had english and AGHHHH i forgot my cca slip today so i better remember to give it to ms owen tomorrow. library was quiet... zzzzz.
after library time, i went to my locker to get a few books and ludwig was annoying me the whole time. :(
He didnt give me back my red pen that i gave him to make his keyboard stand with balance, what a doosh.
so i borrowed this awesome book today! it has a few obscene words, what school gives books to poison our minds with bad words? don't they like, check the books first?
i walked from the secondary building, all the way to the new block by myself cause no one would bother following me and some were not going to the new block.
at least i wasn't talking to myself, i read a book while walking, and listened to paramore's crushcrushcrush and their latest BRICK BY BORING BRICK.
fish, i love PARAMORE.
then i met my sis down at the new block and then we walked to mk plaza and then i saw my mom's car there.
she bought for me vanilla coke.
so when i came back, i continued reading my book, like a lazy butt.
At 5pm, i stopped what i was doing and went off to study.
Then, my sister was done with the computer so i stopped what i was doing and started blogging.
okay that's about it, i have to study again, soon. so baiiii.

Sunday, April 11, 2010, 10:59 AM
my mom is out right now and my sister followed her. :)
woke p at 9.30am todayyy.
i am doing my english homework now.
Annnnnd, i am talking to nina and natalie.
I gotta study for my final exam. :P
I get so stressed. agh.

ra ra ah ah ah
Saturday, April 10, 2010, 5:56 PM

OMFG longest since i have blogged. :S :S
Sorry, i couldn't be bothered and then now i got the mood.
I just edited aleysha's blog. :) it's looking good.
So...i just came back from sunway lagoon, today.
I left at 9am and then came back at 5pm. :)
imma go have dinner at mk plaza soon. So i gotta go.
I'll blog sooner or later.

Sunday, March 14, 2010, 9:10 AM

I haven't blogged in a while.
Hahahaha all because i thought no one will read it.
But i dont think it is about being read, it's about being written. ;)
So i just woke up at 7:30 am today by my sister's alarm clock, cause she had to go for a morning walk.
So then i washed my face and got ready for this new day.
I haven't had breakfast yet though, but i am about to.
My sister got back and now she's watchin tv.
So i guess i can continue blogging.
I have been quite busy with my dad lately and he just went back to algeria.
I miss him to bits.

i got bored at home so i went out for a walk near the playground but i didn't see anyone. -.-
So i decided to buy ice cream. It was C L O S E D. :(
i HATED yesterday.
but i studied. ;)

Now i think i am gonna have my breakfast. My grandma made fried rice. ;)